
vacation time!
from Steev Hise's blog: "The other interesting thing that Jenkins brought up is the phenomenon of the spoiler community. These are viewers of a reality show who get together on the internet and investigate the show to find out what will happen before it goes on the air, or to find out extra details that don't appear on the show itself. They're like investigative journalists, only they don't investigate weighty things like corrupt politicians or corporate wrongdoing, they investigate whether Joey will be voted off the Island next week, or whatever. They even pool their money sometimes to send one of their group to physically investigate the filming location, interview people, etcetera."
Recommended Body Fat Levels for men and women:
Males age range Too Little Healthy range Overweight Obese
20-30yrs Below 8% 8 - 19% 19 - 25% over 25%
31-40yrs Below 8% 8 - 19% 19 - 25% over 25%
41-50yrs Below 11% 11 - 22% 22 - 27% over 27%
51-60yrs Below 11% 11 - 22% 22 - 27% over 27%
61-70yrs Below 13% 13 - 25% 35 - 30% over 30%
71-80yrs Below 13% 13 - 25% 35 - 30% over 30%
Females age range Too Little Healthy range Overweight Obese
20-30yrs Below 21% 21 - 33% 33 - 39% over 39%
31-40yrs Below 21% 21 - 33% 33 - 39% over 39%
41-50yrs Below 23% 23 - 35% 35 - 40% over 40%
51-60yrs Below 23% 23 - 35% 35 - 40% over 40%
61-70yrs Below 24% 24 - 36% 36 - 42% over 42%
71-80yrs Below 24% 24 - 36% 36 - 42% over 42%
(according to one website my weight is ideal for my height, but according to a body fat scale & the chart above i'm overweight)
"It is tasteless to talk about parameters, or to impose any kind of ideology or substance to any form of creative outlet. And so, much of what you come across should be ignored. Gaughin didn't start painting until he was 50, Kafka didn't have a thing printed in his lifetime. John Grisham releases things daily..." from the 5rc website.
"I think music can and should redefine society - all the information’s there for everyone but nobody’s paying attention. It’s just another commodity, you know?" Sole

Brixton webcam

catsitting the last few weeks. 3 cats: Jigs (male & the easiest to get along with), Mittens (female, black&white, growls at Jigs, likes to escape outside, my favorite), Ginger (female, scared of us).
David Stubbs on Live 8: "But inevitably, given [Geldof's] profession, he is addicted to the spotlight and despite his reputation as a plain and profane speaker, rather too chummy towards the powerful over the years - be it Prince Charles, the Pope, Mother Teresa, Tony Blair or George Bush. But these people front the very institutions - church, empire, Western states - that can be argued have done little to alleviate African misery. They should be interrogated, not cosied up to. Geldof's un-punkishly conciliatory stance to these people creates the illusion that, as with the tsunami, "no one is to blame". Ultimately, however, I will not be watching Live 8 because the bill is pretty dire. Apart from the reams of has-beens and rock icons turned cabaret acts, there are the present-day brigade such as Coldplay and Dido, whose hugely popular yet unthreatening music signifies rock's decline into corporate functionalism. These people will not solve the problem. They are the problem."

thinking, thinking about going to Intonation (at least the Sat. performances). listening to Death From Above 1979 right now and they're hot! add to that Tortoise, Prefuse 73, The Go! Team, Four Tet... and several others. none of these necessarily something i'd go to up Chicago for on their own... but all packed into one day it could be amazing.
i'm getting ready to fax some forms to Japan. 8 days after that magic email at 1am on June 29th and it is finally beginning to feel real. i'm no longer afraid to check email and find some note from my advisor suggesting that i may not pass or that i need to rewrite a chapter or obtain more external validation or find another field to work in. i made it through PhD land and all the hoops and beatings. nothing can stop me now.

Yea Big at Empty Bottle
web posting "translated" from Japanese (i personally can't make any sense of it):
2005/6/16 (the wood) - feels the possibility of transforming largely the る
" The HELLO WORLD " of the OH ASTRO was bought.
With illegal art something, it is not the ordinary person with you thought, it is is, but don't you think? the whole tune with the chop stripe chestnut becoming the ヘロヘロ, the る っ - what it combines, after all there is one habit and two habits the ぇ. For the first time when the Oval hearing, we would like to see as for feeling possibility, whether just me.