beautiful legislation in the stimulus package...
SEC. 1112. ADDITIONAL ASSURANCE OF APPROPRIATE USE OF FUNDS. None of the funds provided by this Act may be made available to the State of Illinois, or any agency of the State, unless (1) the use of such funds by the State is approved in legislation enacted by the State after the date of the enactment of this Act, or (2) Rod R. Blagojevich no longer holds the office of Governor of the State of Illinois.

Otis Fodder (of The Bran Flakes) offers up a 120-minute Comfort Stand "mixtape" for
Steinski: I called up one or two people at CBS and I sort of delineated the project for them and they - out of hand - they just went, "Wow! Y'know, good luck, buddy. You'll never get that kind of permission from us." And so I thought, Ah the hell with it, so I'll just do it.
John: They just, they laughed at you, it sounds like.
Steinski: Well yeah. Well I would too if I was them.
John: Yeah, but isn't it arguable that given the media's involvement in making that occurrence such a public one that we should be allowed to use the media to express our own personal experiences of the event?
Steinksi: Nope.
John: You don't think so?
Steinski: I don't buy it. Hell no, man! I mean if I owned the copyright to Walter Kronkite? That's mine, period. Forget it.
John: So you respect copyright?
Steinski: Well, I respect it in theory, I obviously don't respect it in fact.
John: How do you justify that, then?
Steinski: I don't. This is what I do, man. God put me on Earth to make these records, y'know, so the rest is all commentary. I'm gonna make the records. I don't even think about it too much to tell you the truth.
(copied from
mostlyharmless, originally aired on Some Assembly Required)

The Bran Flakes make Blurt's
Most Anticipated '09 list:
"Somewhere in Scrumpdillyishus Land, USA, reside the sampladelic Bran Flakes, who record for Girl Talk's label and indulge all manner of snark, kiddie-culture (Mousketeers, unite!), remixology and just plain annoying pop culture references. In short, a whale of a lot of fun."
Why I Am Deleting My Myspace Account, and You Should TooI have mixed thoughts about this (see some of the counter arguments in the comments)... there's always the debate about whether resistance is more effective inside or outside of the larger system.