Lawrence Lessig is my hero. i'm following his blog (linked on side), because i would almost blindly support anything he champions. on monday mornings i'm teaching a class on copyright. i love it so much i want to read the material for next week right away, but it will have to wait.
i used audio hijack to grab some trl music from an video. it works great.
"Did I really think on the other side of the world people would be magically smarter and more considerate and more enlightened? It's easy to romanticize foreign peoples. As easy as it is to demonize them." from Steev Hise's
Suramerica archives.
ok, so we put the last track on dat 1 as the new track 12. the old track 12 goes to track 8 and the old track 8 is appended to track 4.. so do we need to change the titles of the tracks on the packaging? it could take a few weeks to get answers back from japan. Hot Troche is one of the most amazing artists. his music sounds like nothing else. i'm not even sure if i get it all the time, but it knocks me off my chair.
iuma sucks. 1and1 is now the place for free mp3 storage/bandwidth (at least for 3 years as their current promotion promises).
just got email from triage, who help us with radio promotion.. i sent them a cd of the new gt release and on the first track it has some radio voices. it turns out one of those voices belongs to bob, who runs triage and has some connection to wfmu. oh my! he's outraged (lol!). back up yesterday evening. a total of 6 days (the longest ever!?) and i was starting to panic. without the web and email we really don't exisit.