Girl Talk album leaked? Mar 19, 2008 10:20 PM
Subject: new album leak is false
Body: Dear Myspace Friends,
there was a rumored leak of my upcoming album today. that was not it. it's not done yet.
i'm working on it everyday and you'll hear it very soon
Sincerely Your Myspace Friend,
btw, if there is a fake new GT album out there... someone let me know. i'd love to hear it. i tried the torrent and it gave an error after about 70% of the download.

CMJ: "In a move that might make the traditional recording industry just go ahead and give up already, Nine Inch Nails mastermind Trent Reznor has revealed that his new, instrumental album Ghosts I-IV had 800,000 Internet-based transactions last week, for a total gain of $1.6 million in revenue."
full article
"You can make really pretentious art that only, you know, a couple of rich people who can afford it, and a couple hundred elitist white kids with art school backgrounds can appreciate, or you can make pop music." -Yeasayer
I've never heard this before... but I found a
Girl Talk Megamix of Bonde do Role on FMYL this week. Wow!

Steinski at SXSW next week.
"With Perpetual Memory Loss, Realistic rises to the next level, crafting some outright tuneful (if chaotic) thumpers from layers of sounds and samples."